Newcastle Laboratories

Dr. Brigit Greystoke

Blood sciences, NEHODS

Consultant Haematologist

NEHODS Board member -Consultant Haematologist

Qualifications: BSc(Hons) MBChB PhD MRCP FRCPath – GCM 4700115

Tel 0191 282 6949 – email:

Biog:  I qualified in medicine in 2000 from the University of Edinburgh, and subsequently worked in Oxford, London, Newcastle upon Tyne, Edinburgh, Manchester and in Palmerston North in New Zealand.  I completed haematology higher specialist training in Manchester in 2014 (including a PhD in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia from the University of Manchester in 2013) and have worked in Newcastle since then. My specialist interests are haematopathology, haemoglobinopathies and thrombosis.  I am particularly interested in ensuring that diagnostic services are fast, accurate and as easy as possible for the patient.